Registration for #KAEA2024 is NOW OPEN!
Visit to check out all that is planned for this year's conference!
Register at:https://KAEAConference.regfox.
Registration for #KAEA2024 is NOW OPEN!
Visit to check out all that is planned for this year's conference!
Register at:https://KAEAConference.regfox.
Not a member of KAEA?
Or maybe you have let your membership lapse?
Every person who joins or renews an expired membership in KAEA/NAEAbetween July 1st and July 31st will have their name put into a drawing for FREE registration cost to our 2024 Fall Professional
Development Conference at Rock Springs.
We will be giving away TWO registrations!!
Did you know that you can use your Artsonia credits towards a membership?
(If you renew with Artsonia--please email me ( as it takes longer for the membership to show up on the database and wewant to get you into the drawing!)
It is always a great time to recruit your fellow art educators!
NAEA often has incentive programs for referring new members and it is an opportunity for you to share why you are a member of your professional organization.
Make sure to tell your referral to write your name on their form!!
There are lots of reasons to join KAEA, but the one we hear most from long-time members is the sense of community!
We are the largest group of art educators in Kansas and we would love to have you join us!
We know that we are stronger together and
if you join in July, you can
possibly win a Free Registration to the Fall Conference for yourself--but,
you could also help us earn an additional vote at the NAEA delegates
assembly so that we can make sure that our Kansas voices are heard on important art education issues at the National level.
KAEA and NAEA are making very concerted efforts to support their members with meaningful content, opportunities and assistance. We want to help you....and, we know that so many of you have expertise and knowledge that you can share with us!
Hello KAEA members!
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.
Rebecca Lomshek
The Kansas Art Education Association will be sponsoring a Celebration/Reception for student artists, their families, and educators Saturday, March 23rd, 2024 from 1-2:30. The Celebration/Reception will be held at the Topeka Shawnee County Public Library. There will be time for guests to view the artwork, a guest speaker, recognition of students, activities, sale of YAM merchandise and light refreshments. The library will open at 9 am and the YAM activities will be set up by 11:30.
All students who have their work exhibited at the Youth Art Month Exhibit will receive a certificate of participation which their teacher will have to give to them after the exhibit.
Students who have their artwork exhibited and are in attendance during the YAM Celebration, will be recognized with a group photo. This event would be a great opportunity for you to show support for the arts in your school and community!
We’d love to see your photos from the YAM celebration so feel free to tag us!
#ksyam2024 #ksarted
Hello all!
Friends University Graduate Workshops Spring 2024 |
Have a friend or colleague who’s not a KAEA member? Invite them to watch with you!
We accept reciprocal membership for our conferences! If you are a member of NAEA in another state, you are welcome to attend or apply to present at our conference!
Schedule & Session Information
This link will let you preview the line up of workshops and give you a materials list so you can follow along with hands-on presentations.
Google Classroom Invitation
The conference will use Google Classroom* to organize materials from sessions and later to post recordings.
*Some districts block Google Classroom from outside organizations so you may need to join with a personal email address.
Questions? Contact Katie Morris! Email