Saturday, December 16, 2023

2024 Virtual Spring Professional Development Conference


SAVE THE DATE: February 10th, 2024

We are pleased to announce the 3rd annual KAEA Virtual Spring Professional Development Conference offered FREE as a benefit to our members. This will be a one day event held Saturday, February 10th, 2024.

  • We are looking for presenters to share engaging sessions live on Zoom! Click HERE for the link to the presenter proposal.
    • Sessions can be hands-on or informational.
    • Consider how you would share the information in an engaging way.
    • Hands-on? Please include a list of materials that members would need to gather ahead of time in order to participate with you!
  • Is there a topic you would like to learn more about? Do you have an idea for a workshop that you would like to take? Email and we will see if we can find someone to present on that topic.

We accept reciprocal membership for our conferences! If you are a member of NAEA in another state, you are welcome to attend or apply to present at our conference!

Friday, December 1, 2023

YAM Flag Deadline Approaching


Entries for this year's Youth Art Month Flag contest are due December 8th.
Check out the YAM Flag page for all details!

KAEA Mission Statement

KAEA is dedicated to the advancement of the human and cultural understanding through the study of art by providing opportunities for professional growth and development, exchange of knowledge and ideas, and service and leadership for the advancement of quality art education.