
  • What do people say about our conferences?
  • I liked how there were workshops on methods and techniques. I took some that were more hands on and others that were more about how a teacher did something in their own classroom. The quality of presenters was amazing!! Every single person was very knowledgable and helped bring new ideas to me.
  • You could really tell everyone worked really hard and lots of amazing relationships have been established. I definitely want to attend more often so that I can build those relationships in the future.
  • All of the sessions I attended were valuable to me! I received great information and resources.

  • …I am grateful for all the hard work those that are in charge of the conference so. The ability to network and find others with the same issues and joys that I also have while teaching is worth so much!

  • I always go home with some great ideas and am so thankful for the new friendships/connections made. You all rock!!

  • This conference was amazing and I love the opportunities that it brought to me. I was able to connect with other teachers that also teach k-12 and other teachers that teach in my region.

  • Thank you for the opportunities you give to us pre-service teachers! It was an amazing experience and only made me more excited to join the field!

  • Always an incredible opportunity to collaborate and re-energize our love of teaching.

KAEA Mission Statement

KAEA is dedicated to the advancement of the human and cultural understanding through the study of art by providing opportunities for professional growth and development, exchange of knowledge and ideas, and service and leadership for the advancement of quality art education.